Wildlife Art

John Bye

This stunning painting, Winters Beauty, is by John Bye, who is from Coventry, United Kingdom.  When I first stumbled across this amazing piece, I thought it was a photograph – and a fine one at that.  FF00080lgThe exquisite attention to detail and the life-like features – the coarse winter coat of this white tail buck, the layers of snow in the thicket in the background, and the light reflecting off the snow onto the deer – are  impressions of a master painter.  You can visit John’s studio and see his other master pieces here.  You may also be interested in visiting John’s publisher, the Greenwich Workshop, which just published this wonderful book on tropical fish by Flick Ford, with beautiful drawings of fish like this Kribensis.
wildlife art

Greg Clark

Greg Clark is a hobbyist photographer with the eye and composition of a master.  Greg gets his inspiration from the rocky coast and northern woods of Maine, where he was raised, and the location of Greg’s best and most intense work, some of which adorn the home page of Conservfewell.  Located in Cedarville, Ohio, Greg can be reached at gclark26.2@gmail.com.

John Mead

The work of John Mead, which provides a close and personal visit with his subjects, is nothing short of spectacular.  A science teacher, wildlife enthusiast and rising star in the world of wildlife photography.   Based in Dallas, Texas, and college friend of my wife, Sheara Wall Fewell, from Duke, John is rightly gaining greater national recognition.  Great blog and beautiful artwork, which words cannot begin to fully capture.

Don Wagner

Wagner’s wildlife and landscape photography – here he’s captured a wood duck drake. I don’t know Don, but I am blown away by his nature photography.  The serenity and composition is extraordinary and the wildlife he captures appears ready at moment’s notice to jump from the canvas.

Martha Marks

Martha Marks is one of the nation’s premiere wildlife and nature photographers.  As she likes to say, she specializes in non-lethal “shooting” of wild birds and beasts in their native habitats and in natural light.  And over thirty years she’s done a lot of it, where many of her creations have been featured in National Geographic’s Birds of North AmericaEncyclopedia Britannica OnlineBirder’s WorldChicago Wilderness Magazine, and dozens of other publications.  She is also one of three founding members of Republicans for Environmental Protection established in 1995 (now known as ConservAmerica). You can find Martha’s beautiful portfolio here on Best Nature Stock Photography.

Bill Fewell

Bill Fewell, a master wildlife carver, began carving in 1990, inspired by the beauty and the wildlife of northern Maine.  Avid bird watchers, Bill, and his wife, Beth (lifelong parents of Brent Fewell), work as a team to produce these lifelike birds.  You can visit their shop at Songbird Collectibles.

Kristopher Rowe

Kris Rowe is an accomplished wildlife photographer who focuses his optic eye on the wildlife in the Connecticut River Valley region, specializes in shooting Osprey.  His photos of neotropical migrants is also very impressive.   He has earned numerous awards including The Audubon Magazine 2012 Top 100 and Photo Forum’s Photo of 2012.  You can connect with Kris on Facebook and follow his weekly handiwork here and also peruse a gallery of his work here on flicker, which includes some amazing shots of neotropical migrants.
