Welcome to ConserveFewell

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, the stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
― Aldo Leopold
“Without something like a conservation or land ethic, a sacramental regard for creation, a concern for future generations beyond one’s own short span on this planet, or some other moral and ethical North Star to guide and motivate citizens, farmers, ranchers, wood lot owners, and other actors, I am not optimistic that we can succeed on the basis of strictly free-market principles alone.”
― Tracy Mehan

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Who Owns the Environment? Part II

I recently posted an item here, on, attempting to reconcile rights to and in private property with the concept of the universal destination of all material goods, in effect, for the good of all mankind. I noted that the Catechism of the Catholic Church maintains, and medieval Scholastic…

Tracy Mehan

Mehan, a Principal with The Cadmus Group and former head of U.S. EPA’s Water Office, is a prolific writer and prominent environmental thought leader. He serves as an adjunct professor at George Mason University and serves on various boards, including the Potomac Conservancy, U.S. Water Alliance, and Great Lakes Observing System.

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Collaborative Conservation

An encouraging and successful conservation story through the collaboration of industry and environmentalists.  Kudos to the Environmental Defense FundSmithfield Foods, and Roeslein Alternative Energy, for helping to save the monarch butterfly.
"The biggest challenge to the environment, as I see it, is the life-style of modern people – fast food, packaging, pets, urban sprawl, and other things which can be rectified only slowly and only through a concerted effort of education."
― Conservative Philosopher & Author, Roger Scruton
"ConserveFewell is the place to go for some serious environmental sanity, and alternatives to the usual slop."
― Author and Political Commentator, Steve Hayward

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